Saturday, December 15, 2012

Week 10

We had a wonderful night at the Rangeview Carols Night. All the grades performed and the items were fantastic. The choir sang beautifully too and Marisa played in the violin group. Well done everyone! Santa hitched a ride in Mr Bunston's car after the reindeers deserted him for the vege patch! We are looking forward to hearing all about Sasha's production when she gets back.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Weeks 8 and 9

Everyone was delighted to receive individual messages from Sasha in reply to our postcards - and also another postcard! Thankyou Sasha! We are looking forward to seeing you again.
We are very busy practising for our Carols Night at the moment. Our item is Six White Boomers. No doubt Sasha is also practising for her production too.
Our Christmas tree is up and the classroom is decorated with paper chains.
Not many sleeps left now!

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Week 7

We had a wonderful day at Healesville Sanctuary. We saw kangaroos, koalas, emus, echidnas, platypus, wombats, dingos and many more native animals. We had great fun in the bird house feeding the birds, too. What was your favourite part of the day?

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Week 6

It was good to be back to our normal routine this week. We have learned a lot about Australian animals through our Reading Workshop and also by researching different animals for our projects. There are also a lot of very entertaining Australian animal narratives beginning to emerge from our Writing Workshop. Keep up the great work, everyone!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Week 5

This week was quite a mixed-up one! We had Melbourne Cup Day and the rest of the week was Planning Week. Our grade had a whole morning with Mrs V. It was great fun! For the children who came to school on Monday, there were lots of fun 'horsey' activities. Did your horse win in the Cup?
P.S. Come on, everyone. Sasha is begging you to write on the blog.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Week 4

We have been very busy doing Maths tests this week. Everyone has worked very hard to show what they can do. We also had some time to work on our webquests. The Australian animal projects are looking really great!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 3

What an amazing day we had on Wednesday. We had great fun watching fairytale plays and a movie and participating in craft and cooking activities. Thankyou Frau Thaler and Frau Lindner for a wonderful Oktoberfest celebration!
We have spent a lot of time this week studying time. Hopefully, everyone is now more confident in telling the time. What time is this clock showing?

Saturday, October 20, 2012


We are all very happy to hear that Sasha has settled in to her new school and made some new friends. We are working hard in Term 4. This week in Reading Workshop we revised our understanding of connections - text to self, text to text and text to world. We used speech bubbles to make a cartoon and in Maths, we learned about symmetry and rotations. We are looking forward to celebrating the Oktoberfest next week.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week 1

We have had a very busy week. We talked about our holidays and even wrote a persuasive piece to persuade people to try one of our favourite holiday activities.

Our Spelling words were the months of the year and everyone did exceptionally well in the test! 
In Maths, we studied multiplication and division and looked at how they are related.

            3x4 = 12

We started on our new theme by doing some research on our iPads. Did you know that there are many, many creatures that are native to Australia?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Term 4

Welcome back, everyone. We are now in our final term of Grade 2!
Hopefully everyone is feeling refreshed and glad to be back after a wonderful holiday. We hope Sasha is settling in well at her new home and school in NZ.
This term we will be learning all about Australian Animals so you are welcome to bring along any books, pictures, soft toys etc on this theme.

Friday, September 21, 2012

Week 10

What a week! We started the week with our Planning Day and lots of fun with specialist lessons all day! On Tuesday we had a wonderful excursion to the Gymnastics centre and Ruffey Lake Park.( Thanks,Sasha! ) 
Thursday was Footy Day and Billy Cart Day! And now, the holidays are here! Enjoy your holidays everyone!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Week 9

We have been very busy with our iPads this week. Everyone has enjoyed making and sharing their cartoon movies. We have also used the iPads to help us with our fluency in reading and speaking by filming each other during talks and reading activities. On Friday we used the iPads to 'visit' the Royal Melbourne Show and we had a lovely time exploring the exhibits and spending money on rides and showbags! What is your favourite iPad activity?

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Week 8

This week we were very lucky to be visited by Leonie Norrington, a well-known author of children's books. She told us all about her experiences growing up in the Northern Territory and gave us lots of ideas to get our imaginations going when we are writing. Which Leonie Norrington book would you like to read?

Monday, September 3, 2012


Welcome to our blog!
This will be a special place where we can share all the great things that are happening in our grade.