Monday, December 10, 2012

Weeks 8 and 9

Everyone was delighted to receive individual messages from Sasha in reply to our postcards - and also another postcard! Thankyou Sasha! We are looking forward to seeing you again.
We are very busy practising for our Carols Night at the moment. Our item is Six White Boomers. No doubt Sasha is also practising for her production too.
Our Christmas tree is up and the classroom is decorated with paper chains.
Not many sleeps left now!


  1. hi the production Bugsy Malone was really fun. We got a real christmas tree in our classroom with a christmas crib and candy canes on the tree and decorations. By the way we have 3 more days of school and our school ends on a monday. We might be going to a natural hot springs.

    From Sasha

  2. We are going to hamner springs, they have 2 epic waterslides and we might be going to a natural spring is well. We are coming back on the 21/12/2012 my school has ended yesterday.

    From Sasha
