Saturday, October 27, 2012

Week 3

What an amazing day we had on Wednesday. We had great fun watching fairytale plays and a movie and participating in craft and cooking activities. Thankyou Frau Thaler and Frau Lindner for a wonderful Oktoberfest celebration!
We have spent a lot of time this week studying time. Hopefully, everyone is now more confident in telling the time. What time is this clock showing?

Saturday, October 20, 2012


We are all very happy to hear that Sasha has settled in to her new school and made some new friends. We are working hard in Term 4. This week in Reading Workshop we revised our understanding of connections - text to self, text to text and text to world. We used speech bubbles to make a cartoon and in Maths, we learned about symmetry and rotations. We are looking forward to celebrating the Oktoberfest next week.

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Week 1

We have had a very busy week. We talked about our holidays and even wrote a persuasive piece to persuade people to try one of our favourite holiday activities.

Our Spelling words were the months of the year and everyone did exceptionally well in the test! 
In Maths, we studied multiplication and division and looked at how they are related.

            3x4 = 12

We started on our new theme by doing some research on our iPads. Did you know that there are many, many creatures that are native to Australia?

Monday, October 8, 2012

Term 4

Welcome back, everyone. We are now in our final term of Grade 2!
Hopefully everyone is feeling refreshed and glad to be back after a wonderful holiday. We hope Sasha is settling in well at her new home and school in NZ.
This term we will be learning all about Australian Animals so you are welcome to bring along any books, pictures, soft toys etc on this theme.